Date Requested: Apr 29 2024 12:32 AM

SWGS Transactional Reporting Firm

TSP Name: Southwest Gas Storage Company (TSP: 021215678)

Posting Date Posting Time Svc Req K Rate Sch K Begin Date K End Date K Ent Begin Date/Time K Ent End Date/Time K Qty-K Loc / QTI K Stat K Holder K Holder Name Affil Res Rate ID Max Tariff Res Rate Res Rate Charged Com Rate ID Max Tariff Com Rate Com Rate Charged Negotiated Rate Indicator Terms/Notes Rec Loc Rec Loc Ind Rec Loc Zn Rec Loc Name Del Loc Del Loc Ind Del Loc Zn Del Loc Name
04/01/2024 08:48AM 900092 FSS 04/01/2021 03/31/2028 04/01/2021 09:00AM 04/01/2028 09:00AM 23,110,137 6 A 045256641 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP TSP 101 0.341900 0.341900 135 0.002900 0.002900 No Effective from 04/01/2024 through 03/31/2028 Shipper shall have the right to terminate after 2 years upon 6 months' notice. SWGSE I MKT SOUTHWEST GAS EAST STORAGE SWGSE I MKT SOUTHWEST GAS EAST STORAGE
04/01/2024 08:48AM 900092 FSS 04/01/2021 03/31/2028 04/01/2021 09:00AM 04/01/2028 09:00AM 23,110,137 6 A 045256641 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP TSP 103 2.849600 2.849600 137 0.002900 0.002900 No Effective from 04/01/2024 through 03/31/2028 Shipper shall have the right to terminate after 2 years upon 6 months' notice. SWGSE I MKT SOUTHWEST GAS EAST STORAGE SWGSE I MKT SOUTHWEST GAS EAST STORAGE
04/01/2024 12:57PM 900100 NNS 04/01/2024 03/31/2028 04/01/2024 09:00AM 04/01/2028 09:00AM 344,927 6 A 045256641 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP TSP RES 0.000000 COM No SWGSE I MKT SOUTHWEST GAS EAST STORAGE SWGSE I MKT SOUTHWEST GAS EAST STORAGE

Comments and Notes:

Services on Southwest Gas Storage are Market-Based Rates

Posting Date - Posting Date

Posting Time - Posting Time

Svc Req K - Service Requester Contract Number

Rate Sch - Rate Schedule

K Begin Date - Contract Begin Date

K End Date - Contract End Date

K Ent Begin Date/Time - Contract Entered Begin Date/Time

K Ent End Date/Time - Contract Entered End Date/Time

K Qty-K - Contractual Quantity - Contract

Loc / QTI - Location Quantity Type Indicator
3 - Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s)
6 - Storage

K Stat - Contract Status
A - Amended
N - New

K Holder - Contract Holder DUNS Number

K Holder Name - Contract Holder Name

Affil - Affiliate Indicator

Res Rate ID - Reservation Rate Identification Code
100 - Capacity - Field
101 - Capacity - Market
102 - Deliverability - Field
103 - Deliverability - Market
RES - Reservation

Max Tariff Res Rate - Maximum Tariff Reservation Rate

Res Rate Charged - Reservation Rate Charged

Com Rate ID - Commodity Rate Identification Code
135 - Storage Charge - Injection
137 - Storage Charge - Withdrawal
COM - Commodity

Max Tariff Com Rate - Maximum Tariff Commodity Rate

Com Rate Charged - Commodity Rate Charged

Negotiated Rate Indicator - Negotiated Rate Indicator

Terms/Notes - Special Terms & Miscellaneous Notes

Rec Loc - Receipt Location

Rec Loc Ind - Receipt Location Indicator
A - All Locations
L - Location List
I - Individual Location(s)

Rec Loc Zn - Receipt Location Zone

Rec Loc Name - Receipt Location Name

Del Loc - Delivery Location

Del Loc Ind - Delivery Location Indicator
A - All Locations
L - Location List
I - Individual Location(s)

Del Loc Zn - Delivery Location Zone

Del Loc Name - Delivery Location Name